Lockdown Continues (2020)


And so lockdown continues. Our new life is strangely becoming normal now. We have settled into our new routine and have adjusted to our new expectations. I am definitely going to miss these lazy mornings though when life returns to the old ways post lockdown. The boys come in for cuddles every morning and we usually get a few minutes of peace and quiet before the fighting and kicking begins and I give in and go downstairs to put Paw Patrol on for them.

I do not miss the school run one little bit. At present our morning weekday routine consists of coffee (for me) eating breakfast and making sure everyone has their PE kit on ready for Joe Wicks at 9am. If this happens then I feel like I have achieved something.

Joe Wicks is still keeping us going and setting us for the day ahead. My husband Noel has even started to do some of the sessions with the boys and even he (and he’s super fit) gets puffed out, sweaty and aches the next day! Not just me then.

I’ve also unearthed my bike from the deepest, darkest corner of Noel’s man cave a.k.a the garage. If I do need to nip out now, I go on my bike and I love it. Although, I know it’s because the roads are quiet as I have zero confidence cycling in traffic but you never know, the more I do it now, the more likely that I will keep some of it up afterwards. Noel being a cycling enthusiast (verging on obsessed) is somewhat pleased that his wife has finally taken an interest in the two-wheeled machine after all these years.

Each Saturday night now consists of virtual trivial pursuit with the family, dry roasted peanuts and numerous espresso martinis. We used to save these cheeky cocktails for special occasions but now it just seems rude not to each week. Anyone else at the moment just thinking ‘yeah why not!’.

When he’s in the right mood I am also enjoying sitting with Leo (4 yo) and doing maths and phonics with him. It’s probably my inner geek coming out but I love it when I see him getting something he didn’t the week before. It’s very satisfying. Of course usually he just mumbles and moans his way through it but sometimes he gives away a glimpse of him wanting to learn.

The sun gods have shone down on us, so we have spent a lot of time outside. We feel very lucky to have a garden right now. It has hosted some barbecues, easter egg hunts and the odd spot of sunbathing in the past few weeks. As a photographer I am always searching for the light and I’ve become very aware of the way the sunlight changes in our house throughout the day. I walked into our bedroom just before their bath time one evening and saw how gorgeous it was, so I quickly summoned the boys in for an impromptu photo shoot. However, they were just about to jump in the bath so had no clothes on. I was getting some lovely shots but half of them have their bottom (and more) out so I made them put some pants on!

Warning - Don’t scroll down if you don’t want to see some little botties :-)

Stay safe everyone x


Lockdown - The New Normal (2020)


Lockdown Begins (2020)